بييجي وقت لازم تسكت فيه , وعقلك يقولك ( خليها فى القلب تجرح , بدل ما تبان و تفضح ) .. و أوقات تحس إنك لازم تتكلم .. مش قادر تكتم و تخبي .. وإلا هتنفجر .. علشان متكلمش نفسك و الناس تقول إتجننت .. أو تخلق شخصية من خيالك تعيش معاها و تعزلك عن العالم ويقولو عليك براوي ... يبقى الحل إنك تفضفض .. اللى تقدر تتحمله خليه جواك .. و اللى متقدرش عليه .. ويفيض بيه قلبك و عقلك .. وزّعه على اللى حواليك ... هنا مش مجرد كلام و حكايات ... كل رسالة هي فيض من ( فيوض القلب والخاطر ) ....... أنا / صابرين أبوعلي

الأربعاء، ٤ نوفمبر ٢٠٠٩

Message++..special message

Hi, it's the second or I think the third time for me to send you a message in English. Sometimes I feel more free in writing in such different language; may be because most of you will not be interested in reading believing it just some kind of advertising then ignore & go elsewhere. That's how I'm trying to convince my self will happen to write without feeling surrounded with all these restrictions. Also because I don't want to be seen obviously and let most of you discover that weak helpless girl lays beneath the talkative one hiding behind the words.

You know, I often feel shy when writing, only at the beginning of the message before my courage motors runs,and you may notice that I used to disappear for long long time; not because have nothing to write or send but because I think I become boring and don't deserve your time.
Today , or to be frank, I have to say many days before I tended to collect my courage and introduce my self in different clothes sending yoy this special "Message ++" with a strange title expresses itself as an " extra ordinary" one. You may like it , at least will like the images. Althought the naughty villain one insides me is jumping & shouting that you will love all of it. Ohhh, don't care and never give an ear to her; she is a cocky one.

In this "Message++" you will find pieces of my soul & heart; some ideas and believes were planted in my heart then grew up reaching my mind ready for my pen to pick and harvest.

You will discover why I wrote then in English; it's full of emotions & passion, differs from love to hatred , happiness to grieve or rage to peace, a continuous dialogue between " me, myself & I ", they escape and afraid to face each other so they hide behind the foreign words tending to misunderstand each others when needed.

They remind me with different situations & attitudes and why I wrote these words and chose these images, sometimes they help to struggle & survive but other times they put salt and acid on my wounds to increase the pain.
In each previous message I used to give you pieces of my mind and reason while this time I'm giving you portions and shares from my spirit, whispering…..
" it's only for you dears".
آسفه جداً لو الكلمات على الصور غير واضحه علشان كدا هحاول اعيدها تانى تحتها
share me

" There's only one person has all the varities & contrasts you really need to flourish your life & dreams. be patient when searching for him/ her; it's so rare"

"you are the best best thing that ever happened to me, will I stop thanking ALLAH oneday for putting you on my way??"

"You are the sun & I'm a sunflower ; always looking for and at you. You are the icing on the cake, the whipped crean on the sundae, the ice cream on the pie. Do you know now what you mean for me??"
" MESS is NOT always bad ;especially when it's caused by someone you realy...LOVE"

"Why we hide our love afraid to reveal it??!!
LOVE is surrounded with fear, afraid of happeniss if it ends with tragedy, afraid of people, afraid of shock, afraid of envy, circumstances, death, gohsts of pain, time, tomorrow, desert, break up,....etc
culture of fear is our destiny.
Ohhh, Love....may ALLAH bless your soul in heaven
"Love for life like dew drops for a rose; makes it shines in beauty & happiness even once in lifetime its magic is unforgetable "

" I believe - in some cases- that " inside" is much better than "outside", it could be surprising, astonishing and even stunning
Never rush in your judgments"

"Sending you a gift doesn't mean waiting for something in return, just want you to know.....
I'm remembering you
thinking of you
longing to you
hope it will bring happiness to your heart, draw a smile on your lips, shines your eyes
which -finally- lights my life Thank you"
" The best Melody you would ever hear is your heart beats when you are in love, if you follow it you will discover an amazing dancer inside you swing & sway perfectly with the fairies in your heart"

" Finally, I found a common thing between us ;we both love the same person...YOU & don't care about the same thing...me"

" Contrasts are not always bad thing, sometimes they complete each other & work in a marvelous integrating harmony"

" Please, never break a person's heart, you don't know how precious it is at least for others.
When you are NOT able to give love in return, just say a "gentel" NO with a sorrow smile that would help it & be careful; it's so dear"

" When I say "I miss you" it means I can't find my self around nor inside me,Im lost without you"

" You may NOT see Beauty at the first sight, but your heart will feel it if it's true & deserve to be touched
Beauty we keep in our hearts is much more than we realise with our eyes, or how you explain that blinds fall in love more than you man with two eyes or four ??! "
أصدقائى وزوارى الاعزاء، أتمنى ان الصور والكلمات دى تعجبكم او تلمسكم او تستفيدو بيها وتحسوها زى ما حسيتها
كل كلمه فيها حسيتها من قلبى وممكن اكون عشتها كمان علشان كدا حاولت ألافى لها صوره تليق بيها وتعبر عنها وتكمل معناها
الباقى هبعته بعدين لما تستريحو من دول وعلشان ما تزهقوا منى ولا من العدد الكتير وتيجوا تانى
اللى عاوز يشوف المجموعه كلها هيلاقيها على الرابط ده
اشكركم بشده
sabrina abu ali

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